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First Maple Bottling 2022


A snowstorm in early February 2022 gave us a bit of a break to process and bottle the 70-ish gallons of sap we collected in late January. While the temperatures hovered below freezing, we gently boiled the sap indoors in large stockpots on the woodstove. Once the sugar content reached around 50%, we brought the sap to the sugar shack to finish the final boil down, filtration, and bottling process. We decided to set aside half of the finished syrup to make into maple candy at a later date. The lighter grade syrup has a more delicate taste and is perfect for making into candy. The remaining syrup was poured into our new glass bottles and tins and included in our inventory. The weather looks to be perfect for a large run this coming week and we hope to bottle more next weekend!

Our new bottles! The fliptop cap and circular bottle to its right (back center of picture) will only be sold for delivery. Most all bottles are 8oz (250ml) with the exception of the large circular bottle in the back middle of the picture (16oz) and the cut out leaf in the front center (3.2oz).

What a beautiful night to look through the woods!

Can you see the ice crystals inside of the tap?

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